Explore our Genealogy resources.
Available in-library only.
Genealogy, family trees and family history records online.
Paid for by Winnefox
Wisconsin newspaper titles dating back as far as the 1800s, with search results presented in original format/context.
Access to Wisconsin Newspaper Association's daily and weekly member-newspapers from 2005 to present (with a 60 day embargo).
Provided by Badgerlink
Census records 1790-1930, family and local histories, Freedman's Bank and more.
Historical newspapers archive from the 1700s-2000s containing thousands of well-known regional, state, and small local newspapers in the United States and other countries.
Sharing our Stories. Exploring our Past. Discover photos, maps, books, artifacts, oral histories and more from dozens of Wisconsin communities.
Paid for by WiLS
Digitized letters, diaries, reminiscences, speeches, photographs, oral history tapes, manuscripts and maps.
Digitized newspapers, yearbooks, photos, city directories, family histories, local history books, postcards, and scrapbooks covering local history around the five county Winnefox area in Wisconsin.
Search vital records as reported in newspapers in 5 Wisconsin counties: Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette, Waushara and Winnebago
Paid for by Winnefox libraries
1820-1907 birth, marriage & death records (& more!) made available for free through the Ancestry / Wisconsin Historical Society partnership.
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