Ancestry Library Edition

Genealogy, family trees and family history records...

Libby, by Overdrive

Downloadable audiobooks, electronic books, music and video...


Wisconsin newspaper titles dating back as far...

Overdrive Magazines

Over 3000 simultaneous-use magazine titles including Rolling...

Explore, Discover, Learn, Grow, and Dream.

The Poy Sippi Library is a vital and free community resource, providing everyone in the community opportunities to explore, discover, learn, grow, and dream.

Stop in and check out our new Lego Wall! Thanks to a local donation we were able to add this to our kid’s area recently! We can’t wait to see...

The library collection includes hardcover and paper back fiction and nonfiction. We have DVDs, videos, and compact discs.. The reference collection has encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, and other helpful tools. Special...

Free Internet access is available. Please ask at the library desk for details. Use of the Internet is on a first come-first served basis. Sign up for 30 minute segments....

If the Poy Sippi Public Library does not own the material you need, ask and we will borrow it from another library in the Winnefox Library System. If an item...

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